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Exclusively for RCB Friends to purchase 1 get 1 free for The Impressionists multimedia exhibition tickets. From 8 to 15 January 2021 at The Gallery Shop, 1st floor, River City Bangkok.
Immerse yourself in the life of the world’s most famous impressionists and their masterpieces in ‘The Impressionists’ multimedia exhibition. The exhibition will take you back to the 19th century Paris, where the Impressionists had challenged the establishment of the day and brought to the world a new era of art.
Terms and Conditions
1. Register for RCB Friends to receive buy 1 get 1 free promotion, ONLY at The Gallery Shop, River City Bangkok.
2. 10% discount for RCB Friends when purchases items at The Gallery Shop.
3. Buy 1 get 1 free promotion can be used for The Impressionist exhibition ONLY.
4. The third purchased ticket will be in the normal price.
5. This promotion can be used for RCB Friends ONLY.
6. Please provide phone number for staffs before purchase exhibition tickets.
Offers, Terms, and Conditions may be amended or withdraw without notice