“Bliss” presents a collection of artworks by Tashi Dendup and Ugyen Samdrup, together known as Twinz Artists, that are inspired by Vajrayana Buddhism (Tantric Buddhism), psychedelics, shamanism, and the tangible and intangible culture of Bhutan. Most of the portraits in the collection are works of imagination and are symbols of the innate warrior spirit that all human beings possess.
Most of them depict women, who represent wisdom and energy, and embody humanity and divinity in feminine form, as the guardians of spiritual practice.
“Bliss” is not inherently extraordinary or supernatural; in fact, it hones the ordinary mind into a reflection of the basic goodness of human life through an awareness of one’s actions in mundane activities. By discovering basic goodness through wisdom, gentleness, compassion and courage, one radiates bliss and sanity out into the world.
Venue: RCB Photographers’ Gallery 1
Free admission