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Jack Frost
“Jack Frost” is known as the dashing, icy figure from the renowned animated tale “Rise of the Guardians”, as a newfound guardian of children selected by The Man in the Moon. But did you know that this character, Jack Frost, actually derives from the authentic legend of the true winter deity. The saga of Jack Frost traces its origins to the mythical frost spirit known as ‘Jakul Frost’, whose duty was to govern winter. Whether creating icy frost on windows, chilling noses and toes, as described in Nat King Cole’s classic tune “Chestnuts roasting on an open fire, Jack Frost nipping at your nose”, this folklore served as the muse behind this frosty god. Legends suggest that besides controlling the winter air, summoning snowstorms, and crafting the cold winds across various landscapes, Jack Frost was the artist behind the autumnal transformation of leaves, painting them in hues of red, yellow, purple, and orange. Primarily known as the mischievous deity, Jack Frost had a darker side. If angered, he could bury individuals under mounds of snow until life slipped away. Jack Frost remains entwined with tales of winter, whether connected to Santa Claus or the Greek mythological figure “Old Man Winter”, renowned for creating snowstorms. While his name wasn’t widely recognized, the portrayal in DreamWorks’ 2012 animated film elevated this frosty deity, endearing him to children and revitalizing his legend for modern audiences.