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Vincent’s 5 Tips for Self-Isolation
Vincent Van Gogh experienced long periods of isolation – sometimes by choice when he was consumed by his work, other times when recovering in Saint-Paul Asylum. In his work we can find inspiration for the period we find ourselves in now from paintings by the artist.
Take a break from repetitive news cycle and take yourself off into another world with a book you have at home. It can be one you have read but you like it so much that you want to read it again, or the one you bought long time ago and didn’t have time to read. Now is the chance!
Listening to the music
Listening to music is one of the most relaxing activities and easy to do. Search through the draws of CDs for music you have not listened to for years or go online and stream something new. Depending on how you are feeling, music can be the perfect accompaniment. Mellow when relaxing, lively for a home exercise routine, or perhaps some ‘chill’ tracks to play while you work to help your productivity.
Can’t eat out and getting bored of food delivery? Turn yourself into a self-taught chef! Start by looking in the fridge and pantry to see what you have as ingredients: herbs and spices, meat in the freezer, canned food, flour or rice. Then look online for recipes that use some of your ingredients. It could be a cake, biscuits, a soup, or a dip, savory or sweet. Maybe this is a hidden talent you never knew about.
Exposing to Sunlight
Spending long days and weeks inside can make you irritable, anxious and depressed. If you are finding this, sunlight can help. Getting some ‘rays’ in the morning is good for your health, both physical and mental. Sunlight helps your body produce vitamin D and brightens up your mood. No need to go anywhere far, just somewhere in your house that is exposed to direct sunlight. It can be sitting at a balcony or strolling in your own garden.
Art can be created anywhere, any time and by anyone. Art can come in many forms: drawing, painting or sculpturing. Creating a piece of art, evening coloring has been proven to induce the same state as meditating by reducing the thoughts of a restless mind, allowing your mind to get some rest after a long day at work.
Take this opportunity to be an artist in your own residence.